Thoughts about diet and exercise
What’s holding me back from improving things in my
life? Well, me, I guess. I can blame the health issues till I’m blue in the
face, which makes matters worse. I’ve
found that being negative about everything in life is easier than trying
to find happiness and contentment somewhere. Change can be difficult. It’s
difficult for me as well. I’m attempting to change my diet to
include more fiber. Reece’s cups do not have fiber. Never do chocolate ice
cream or potato chips. I’ve never loved fruit, but I add an apple or an orange
daily. As well as low-fat yogurt. It
doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a start.
I’m also walking a little with my wife. It's not
much, maybe 15 minutes, but it helps. I’ll increase the distance as I feel more comfortable with it. I have found some stretching exercises
that seem helpful. You must start somewhere. Just don’t overdo it. If you do,
you might injure yourself or get frustrated and quit entirely. You don’t want
to do that.
I’ll let you know how it's going in the coming weeks.
Here are a few links for senior exercises.
Plan for Seniors: Strength, Stretching, and Balance (
Best Exercises for Seniors (and a Few to Avoid!) (
You should check with your doctor before
starting any exercise program.
Comments are always welcome
My grandpa did exercises but it was too late by then to really make much of a difference.