5 ways to keep your mind sharp


As you age one of your greatest concerns is losing your mental sharpness. I know that is something I worry about.

It’s not automatic that you lose your cognitive abilities when you get older. If that were true, then it would hard to justify having so many elderly folks in congress and on the supreme court.

 The brain is like a muscle, if you exercise it will remain strong.

Here are a few things you can do to keep your mind sharp as you age.

1.    Improve your memory.  If you forget things, it’s time to work on your memory. Positive reaffirmation is a good start. Try not to dwell on your memory problems. There are memory exercises as well.  10 Memory-Boosting Games and Activities to Keep Your Brain Sharp

2.    Getting enough rest. It’s not only sleep, which is good, but cognitive rest between tasks. Meditation is a great way to rest your brain.

3.    A proper diet is important for physical and mental health. Certain foods are great for the brain. 

4.    General exercise, such as walking, biking, or any other type of exercise, is recommended for keeping your mind sharp.

5.    Learning new things.  There are plenty of ways to learn new things, which keeps your mind sharp. How about learning a new language or a musical instrument? It’s worth a try.

These suggestions are great for keeping your cognitive abilities sharp, and they also help keep you active. If you are more active, this will also help lessen your chances of mood swings or depression. But if you feel depressed, seeking a doctor’s advice is always recommended.

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